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For New Members

Sri lanka institute of industry professionals

Message from the Hon. Minister of Industry and Health
01st August 2024
Dear Esteemed Members,
It is with immense pride, honor and profound sense of responsibility as the Minister of Industries, that I address the members of the Sri Lanka Institute of Industry Professionals (SLIIP), stakeholders, and visitors.
SLIIP was established with a visionary objective: extending the academic knowledge, experience, and professionalism for the development of the industry sector while gaining due recognition and raising the reputation of the industry profession in Sri Lanka. The mission remains steadfast: to enhance competencies of industry development professionals through academic excellence, industry-specific expertise, and the integration of cutting-edge technological advancements, while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.
In an era characterized by rapid global transformation, the significance of industry professionals has never been more important. Industries are the driving force behind the economic growth of the country in creating jobs, fostering innovations, and contributing to gross domestic production and ultimately spearheading the sustainable development of our mother nation. Hence, SLIIP is dedicated to cultivating a community where academic rigor, practical experience, and professional integrity converge to foster a progressive and resilient industry sector.
SLIIP offers a robust platform for continuous learning, professional networking, and personal growth. Through its diverse array of programs, workshops, and initiatives, SLIIP is committed to equip its members with the latest industry insights, advanced technologies, and best practices. Rest assured that I tirelessly work with SLIIP members, industry stakeholders, and regulatory authorities to address all challenges encountered by the industry sector.
I extend a heartfelt invitation to all industry professionals to join us in this mission. Together, we can contribute truly and meaningfully to the sustainable socio-economic development of Sri Lanka. Let us unite in our pursuit of excellence and make a lasting impact on the local industry.
Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication.
With sincere regards,
Dr. Ramesh Pathirana
Minister of Industry and Health

Liaise with similar institutions in other countries

Promoting young Entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka

Provide a help desk to industry

Legal and Regulatory Support

Community Engagement:

Ethical Standards and Practices

Career Support

Advocacy and Representation

Publications and Research

Professional Networking

Education and Training

Certification and Industry Categorization
Frequently asked questions
What is SLIIP ?
SLIIP is a professional body formed for industry specialists in Sri Lanka. Its mission is to promote the growth of the industry by sharing academic knowledge, practical experience, and professionalism. Moreover, it strives to elevate the status and reputation of industry professionals in the nation.
What is the SLIIP code of ethics and disciplinary Procedure?
How to proceed with membership registration ?
Qualifications required for Chartered Industry professionals of the Institute ?
How to get the non-corporate membership of the Institute ?
What is the Membership Eligibility Criteria ?
How to get the corporate membership of the Institute ?
Every candidate for transfer to the grade of Fellow should satisfy the Council that he/she;
1. has been a Member of the Sri Lanka Institute of Industry Professionals (SLIIP) for a continuous period of not less than ten years;
2. has been engaged for a period of not less than ten years in the practice in a position of responsibility as a Corporate member and has made a contribution acceptable to the Council, adequate credit being given to professional experience gained after corporate membership, publication of research papers/ patents/ conducting programs on industry related topics, carried out after Corporate membership;
3. is a Chartered Industrial Professional having more than five years professional qualifications and experience.
4. has been actively engaged in activities of the SLIIP.
Every candidate for transfer to the grade of Fellow should satisfy the Council that he/she;
1. A first Degree of not less than three full-time academic years or equivalent part-time duration from a recognized University or equivalent institution in any stream, which includes a sufficient industry-related components within the curriculum, as judged by the Council, and a minimum five years of experience gained in the areas of industrial practice after obtaining such qualifications
2. A first Degree of not less than three full-time academic years or equivalent part-time duration from a recognized University or equivalent institution in any discipline, with a Post Graduate Degree in a field of industry related and minimum three years of experience gained in the areas of industrial practices after obtaining such qualifications
3. A first Degree of not less than three full-time academic years or equivalent part-time duration from a recognized University or equivalent institution in any discipline, with a Post Graduate Diploma in the field related to the industrial sector and minimum four years of experience gained in the areas of industrial practices after obtaining such qualifications
4. A first Degree or professional qualification of not less than three full-time academic years or equivalent part-time duration from a recognized University or equivalent institution and minimum ten years of full-time experience gained in the areas of industrial practices after obtaining such qualifications with proof for verifying the same.
5. The Associate or Fellow Membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (CA), Or Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), or the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) or Chartered Institute of Personal Management (CIPM) or Chartered Institute of marketing (CIM) or Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) or Chartered Institute of IT – British Computer society (BCS) or any other recognized professional qualifications.